Schleiereule - Barn Owl
by Chris Jimenez
by Chris Jimenez
winzigen Kanincheneulenküken fühlen sich in den Tassen sichtbar wohl.
'Linford and Christie' wurden im Inkubator ausgebrütet und dann von
Jimmy Robson vom Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire, von Hand in seiner
Wohnung aufgezogen.
The tiny burrowing owlets are having a hoot in the cups.
'Linford and Christie' were hatched in an incubator and were then hand-reared by their keeper Jimmy Robinson, from Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire, in his flat.
The tiny burrowing owlets are having a hoot in the cups.
'Linford and Christie' were hatched in an incubator and were then hand-reared by their keeper Jimmy Robinson, from Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire, in his flat.
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Schleiereulen - Barn Owls
source: Tieaves
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