Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2020

Eulen 195/2020 🦉🦉🦉


Schneeeulen - Snowy Owls
BELLA DONNA digital art by Lydia Anneli Bleth

Nordische Weißgesichtseule - Northern White-faced Owl (Ptilopsis leucotis)
 by Francesca Franza

Steinkauz - Little Owl (Athene noctua)
by Paolo Pasini

Virginia-Uhu - Great Horned Owl
by Paul Gray

Barking Owl
An Australian species that sounds like a dog…
by Mark Huartson

Uhu - Eurasian Eagle Owl
source: WallpaperScraft


Sibirischer Uhu - Siberian Eagle Owl
by Bella Steger

Raufußkauz - Tengmalms Owl (Aegolius funereus)
by Petri Pietiläinen


Striped Owl (Pseudoscops clamator)
by Juan D Ramirez Rpo


 Southern Boobook (Ninox boobook)
the smallest owl species in Australia
by Brisbane City Council


 Schleiereule - Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
source: 7-themes wallpapers collection


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