Mittwoch, 15. April 2020

Eulen 86/2020 🦉🦉🦉

Red-Morph Eastern Screech Owl
Eastern screech owls are found in two color "phases": red and gray. Red phase birds are similarly marked with red replacing the gray color.
by Raptor Photo

Waldohreule - Long Eared Owl
by littleheinrichsmom

Schleiereule - Barn Owl
by Trev Wilson

Great Horned Owl
by Jonathan Sherrill / Windcircle

Barred Owl
by Steven Rossi

Sumpfohreule - Short-eared Owl scratching its head
by Young Sung Bae

Schneeeule - Snowy Owl
by Craig Sterken

Malaysian Brown Wood Owl
by Emmy-Enemy / Screech Owl Sanctuary

Bartkauz - Great Grey Owl
by Daniel Parent

Sperbereule - Northern Hawk Owl
by Danila Neroznak

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