Mittwoch, 18. September 2019

Eulen 157/2019

Sibirischer Uhu - Siberian Eagle Owl
by Bella Steger

 Raufußkauz - Tengmalms Owl (Aegolius funereus)
by Petri Pietiläinen

 Madagaskar-Waldohreule - Madagascar Owl (Asio madagascariensis)
source: eaglewatch

Striped Owl (Pseudoscops clamator)
by Juan D Ramirez Rpo
Striped Owl (Pseudoscops clamator) is a medium-sized owl with large ear tufts and a brownish-white facial disk rimmed with black. Its beak is black, and it has cinnamon-colored eyes. It has shorter, rounder wings than most of its close relatives. The upperparts are cinnamon with fine black vermiculation and heavy stripes. The underparts are pale tawny with dusky streaks. It is native to South America, and parts of Central America.

 Southern Boobook (Ninox boobook)
the smallest owl species in Australia
by Brisbane City Council

Uhu - Eurasian Eagle Owl
by Clifford Ryan

  Barred Owl
source: ohpioneer

 Kanincheneulen - Burrowing Owls
by Henrik Nilsson

 Schneeeulen - Snowy Owls
by Henrik Nilsson

 Afrika-Waldohreule - Abyssinian Owl (Asio abyssinicus)
source: eaglewatch

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